Thursday, September 25, 2014

Increase your computer speed simply without software

Increase your computer speed simply without software

Here we are back again with important tricks, what is your computer? its may be a Pentium 4. dual core core 2 quad, core i3, core i5 or core i7. if we use any of them your machine is slowing down because of some reason

  1. Collect the unwanted file

  2. Collect the unwanted software

  3. virus

  4. Start up of unwanted software or file
then we have software to stop these problem such as AVG tuneup utilities. but we should get them with paying money. normally they are selling at higher price. more people can't buy them at those some people are using them with patching or cracking. today we give a trick to increase your computer speed without software

  1. Defragment your hard disk 

  2. cleanup your hard disk

  3. stop the unwanted start up software

  4. manually delete the unwanted temporary file

Defragment your hard dick 


  1. Step : right click on any of "HARD DISK ICON" in your my computer window

  2. Step : select the properties from upcoming popup label 

  3. Step : then select the tool tab from upcoming window

  4. Step : then coming a tool window in the same window

  5. Step : now you can see a Defragment option

  6. Step : select that option

  7. Step : Select a disk that you want to defrag( you can choose any of them)

  8. Step : 1st analyse your disk

  9. Step : choose the defragment disk option if you want to defrag that disk

  10. Step : restart your computer after the operation

Defragment your hard disk in piture explain

ok then end for today tomorrow i will post me next trick don't froget to like and comment see you again bye ! 

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