Sunday, October 12, 2014

Often, Foster Children Linger in Anonymity only because their Relatives never Knew

Police personnel often find themselves exposed to the trauma that young teenagers experience in the foster care system. Children who have been abused at home by dysfunctional parents are placed by the authorities with foster parents who are often not so nurturing themselves. It wouldn't be that hard to find foster children who are with their tenth or twelfth foster family in as many years. And so, police departments in some counties in the country, are being roped in for a new government plan for foster care: finding out if any foster children have estranged, extended family members out there somewhere. And then finding out if they will be willing to take in one of their own.

Finding a relative for a teen foster child is not an easy matter. The relatives would be perfect strangers for all practical purposes, and usually, no one wants to take in a child that is so battered with years of trauma. The only thing they would be guaranteed of would be a lot of emotional heartache, and quite a drain on their resources. It is just a shift in the way the government sees the whole foster care issue. The government has begun to pay for full-time investigators, looking hard on the Internet, through the public records, who get flyers distributed, and pound on doors, all with the aim of locating family members, to help take in a child that would otherwise languish in foster care. And they come by quite a bit of success too. In general, the investigators find several relatives for any child they start to investigate, and often many of them express a willingness to take the child in - their long-lost grandchildren, nieces, cousins and so on - ones they have never laid eyes on before. And it is a wonder that the system all these years put these children through so much pain, just because they never thought that the children would be welcome in their relatives' homes.

When they are contacted, many times, the relatives are quite startled to begin with, to have to be reminded of some ugly piece of their family history. But you would be surprised how often, they come through with kindness and strength, able to set aside old rancor they may have felt with the parents, for the good of the blameless child. And foster children for their part, are often deeply, deeply grateful to know and to be in touch with some of their roots. Maybe it is hard to believe this, but most children in foster care feel like outcasts; to have no family often feels like the strangest thing to most people who take a family for granted.

But not all foster home scenarios are like something from Dickens that children would want to run away from. Many foster parents happen to be truly caring people, who raise their foster children like their own. When a relative turns up, the foster parents can be heartbroken at losing a child to the family, whom they have grown deeply attached to over the years. Not infrequently, when children in foster care are informed of how their family members have been located, they say only that they don't need a real family, that their foster family treats them as their own.

Approaching your College Application Form When You are Homeschooled

Children who have had homeschooling their whole lives are often terribly anxious filling out a college application form;homeschooled children often don't have access to certain kinds of classes - AP, labs and so on, and their transcripts don't always have regular-looking courses on them either; there is a prevalent idea abroad that this makes homeschoolers look less qualified during the admissions process for this reason.

To begin with, homeschooling is not the curiosity that it once was. The millions of homeschooled children there are now, lend legitimacy to the enterprise. Colleges have no choice but to give homeschooled children a fair shake now. They do need to make sure that the applicant is mentally prepared for the challenges of college life, academic and social and basically, they are going to be doubtful the moment they receive a college application form from a homeschooled child. Since admissions departments at colleges are aware of how they can stand accused of giving homeschooled kids the short end of the stick, they take more trouble evaluating the college application form of homeschooled student than they do with a regular student usually. And the fact that parents involved in homeschooling their children get together with other parents to offer their children the best possible exposure to the sciences these days strengthens their case even further.

But there are certain areas where homeschooled applicants can put in a little extra effort to make their case. For instance, to make up for the fact that their transcripts and credentials aren't exactly totally regular, homeschooled applicants can demonstrate their ability in other ways. For instance, one can put a great deal of thought into one's admission essay. One can also show submit SAT results in a great number of subjects to prove that one is capable in those areas. Some might show their original writings in the subjects they are particularly good at.

It is inescapable - homeschooled children really are seen with a bit of skepticism. And they always need to go the extra mile to prove their worth in the admissions process. While the ideas above do often work for students, it might be a good idea to have other approaches in mind as well. Since homeschooling transcripts are prepared by the parents of the child, the aren't really going to carry that much weight. What they can do to make up for this is to do exceedingly well with articulating everything they have learned. If the college application form doesn't really ask for SAT subject tests, they can offer the test results anyway. If the college only expects, say, three SAT subjects, they could give them five. If they don't ask for an interview, they could ask for one themselves. They really look for third-party certification in the homeschooled child sometimes. A few college-level courses might be the thing to seal the deal.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Do those Ads that Promise to Show you how to get Out of Credit Card Debt Mean Anything?

When you see those ads that scream for your attention you want to just go out and at least try them. When they say to you that you just need to give them a chance and they'll show you how President Obama made provisions in his stimulus plan to help you settle your credit card debt for pennies on the dollar that the banks want to keep from you, could it really hurt to go try them out? People want to not believe in a con; not even in the privacy of their own minds, not even for a second. And still, there is the wistful hope that there might be something here. If only someone could show them how to get out of credit card debt for free; if only there were something the government could do to wipe the slate clean, and give them a fresh start. People usually only tend to regret the mountains of debt they amassed depending on a job they lost or something, once they are over a barrel. The need to believe that there could be something that could wipe the slate clean can be overpowering.

Straightaway, it's easy to set the record straight right now - there is no "get out of debt for free" ticket. Life never does throw us a line like that. So are those ads just plain lying? Isn't there a grain of truth even to them? Well, no. Why should creditors even want to do something like forgive your debt for pennies to the dollar? What people imagine is going on around here is that the creditors know that they're dealing with deadbeats, and they know that there isn't any money. So they would rather collect 10 cents to the dollar, than no cents to the dollar. Well, there's just one little wrinkle to the situation. Creditors don't look at your situation satisfied that you can't pay, until you're living on the street with nothing more than a newspaper between you and the snow. These aren't reasonable people, and they aren't going to accept anything less than full payment until they're sure you have absolutely nothing. If it wasn't like this, everybody would know how to get out of credit card debt.

So what is it that they're offering in those ads? What they're offering most of the time it is merely debt settlement. The settlement company enters into a deal with you, so that you pay a certain small amount once a month or so under contract. Once your monthly deposits add up to maybe three-quarters of the credit card debt you have, they go and give it to your credit card company. However, even this is a little too optimistic picture of the situation. The debt settlement company doesn't do this for free, you know. They charge a nice healthy fee for their "services" showing you how to get out of credit card debt that they take out of your deposits. And while they are taking their fees, and you are taking your time building that deposit up until it is large enough, the credit card company isn't quite willing to give up just yet. They won't be satisfied that you can't pay, until they pound you with nasty letters and summons for at least six months. Getting settlement, isn't really a final heave-ho to the old credit card company. And while they tell you how to get out of credit card debt in this way, they aren't really caring about what all of this is doing to your credit rating.

The whole six months or so you take building up your lump sum with a debt settlement company, the credit card company is busy tearing your credit score to shreds reporting everywhere they can think of. And that's not all either - let's say that you have $1000 forgiven in the whole debt settlement process. The IRS now will knock on your door, and say that they believe that you just made $1000 for free, and they will want their cut. The debt settlement industry isn't a well-regulated one yet. Finding one that really works for you, is easier said than done.

Skills for Web Site Designers

The world is evolving rapidly and those who make it need to be flexible and adapt to the changing environment. Web site designers are probably some of the people that need to be as flexible as their environment because the truth is, they will either become obsolete or lead the way into the future of the web. Web site designers cannot afford to be content with the basic training they received in college. Truth is, some new technology has evolved since the last time they left college. What is more, the new technologies are getting adapted as quickly as they come out. What are some of these recent technologies that all web site designers need to have on their fingertips?

One of these is CSS. CSS stands for cascading style sheets and basically what this does is to change the look of a website using an external file that links to the website. CSS is also compatible with literally all web browsers. This ensures that once you design your web pages using CSS, you can rest assured that it will not have browser incompatibility issues. What is more CSS is not hard and you can have a site running with CSS in no time.

JavaScript is another must have skill. This language works together with HTML and can be used to do a bunch of things on the browser window. For example, with JavaScript, you can validating user input right on the browser before even sending it to the server and ensure the correct data and format is correct, making the processing work of a server much easier. JavaScript is also used to bring up pop-up windows right on the browser. Its apparent complexity should however not put you off. JavaScript is a powerful language that brings web pages to life.

Learning at least one server-side scripting language for web site designers is also a necessity if you are to design database-driven websites. A common server-side language is PHP. If you want to create a website that keeps information about customers, visitors, products and offers login capabilities, then learning PHP will prove to be an invaluable tool. When you are part of the large web site designers community or just starting out, the above skills will be necessary to keep you on the job. As a web site designer, improving and increasing your skills will keep you as valuable as when you left college.

Safety Gates For Stairs

When you were a child, your parents probably taught you from a very young age to stay away from the stairs until you were old enough to learn to go up and down them safely and on your own. Today, more and more moms have to work outside the home, and those safety issues are a bit harder to teach, due to a lack of time. Teaching your child to avoid problems is the best way to go, but at times you have to make sure they are safe because you have so much to do. This is when safety gates for stairs and other areas of your home can be life savers.

Instead of baby proofing your entire home, you may want to make sure dangerous things like chemicals or knives are secured, but otherwise, you are going to want to teach them to look but not touch. It can be trying, but it works better in the long run. Stairs are one of those things that is right on the edge of dangerous but teachable. However, when you are cooking dinner, checking homework for two other kids, trying to fold laundry, and answering the phone, you may want to have some help from safety gates for stairs.

Just like you should never leave your baby alone in the tub, you should never leave them alone when they could stumble upon an open set of stairs. It really only takes a moment for the worst to happen. Safety gates for stairs that are installed and used properly are going to be very helpful when you have to turn your back for just a moment. The trick is to use them right and to make sure that everyone else in your home knows how to use them the right way as well.

Safety gates for stairs must be closed at all times. Some are short enough to be stepped over if you were to place them in a doorway, but that is not really possible on stairs, unless you want to chance breaking your own neck. Do not get the gates that do not latch, but rather stretch across the opening. These are best for the doorways in your home that do not open up to stairs. Get the gates that latch so they can swing open when you need to walk back and forth. You also have to make sure everyone else in your home knows to keep these shut at all times.

If you are not sure that you can install safety gates for stairs and doorways the right way, have someone come in to do it for you. Gates that are not installed or used correctly are more dangerous than having nothing there at all. You won't watch as carefully if you think things are secure. Don't forget that though these are usually made for babies and toddlers, these safety gates for kids can be used to keep smaller pets off of the stairs as well. Larger pets will jump right over them, but smaller ones will stay put.

Adolescent Suicide

Adolescent suicide is one of the worst disasters that can befall a family. The real tragedy of teenage suicide is that, were the teen to wait a few years and to suffer through the depression, things would probably get better. Most adolescent suicides don't realize that they're going through the toughest time in their life. Being a teenager means having to deal with identity crisis, peer pressure, depression, moodiness, and all the rest. We have a society that glorifies adolescence constantly, so we don't usually see the darker side. This just contributes further to the trend towards adolescent suicide. Teenagers believe that everyone else is having fun but them, and this makes their bleak depression that much worse.

The good news is that most attempts at adolescent suicide prevention help. You see, adolescent suicides rarely actually intend to kill themselves. This may seem strange, but it is the truth. In general, a suicide gesture or attempt is more of a cry for help. The adolescent suicide doesn't expect it to work. He or she does it because he or she needs some kind of intervention. The problem is that sometimes the adolescent suicide attempts do work. Teenagers who think that taking too many pills will just land them in the hospital where they can get help sometimes overdose on something so dangerous that it results in almost instantaneous death.

This is why you have to be there for your teenager. A lot of families buy into the stereotype of sullen, withdrawn teens, but teens don't get withdrawn in families that provide the right sort of support. If you're continuously active in your teenager's life, you can stop him or her from straying from the path. You can talk about thoughts of suicide, depression, peer pressure, and all the other issues that teenagers have to go through. Adolescence is the time when you have to relax your hold as a parent, but that doesn't mean you should relax your vigilance. You teenager will need you less as a role model and more as a friend.

Of course, having adolescent suicide resources outside the family is also really important. Suicide helplines have helped plenty of teenagers avoid making a mistake that will destroy them and their friends and families. A lot of schools make suicide help lines available to teens, making it much easier for them to get the help they need. Even if your school doesn't publish the information, you can easily find it in the phone book. A lot of these help lines are national, so you can call from anywhere in the country. They're also anonymous – something which is crucial for teenagers who are afraid to ask for help publicly.

And Now, HP Printers come with an App Store

HP has been hard at work at its printer division, with all kinds of innovations. Consider their latest - the HP all-in-one Photosmart Premium with TouchSmart Web (what a long name that one is). To begin with, it's an inkjet printer, not a laser. And so, you know it's going to be affordable. The great thing about it is, that it is practically a mini computer - it is WiFi enabled, it can connect directly to the Internet without a separate computer, and it comes with its own tiny 4.3" LCD screen for previews. So what does it do connecting to the web? It actually uses printer apps, to help you decide more often that hitting the Print button would be a good idea. It would be wonderful if these apps wouldwork on all existing HP printers; maybe they will one day. As of now, it's just this one HP printer that does it.

So what do the apps do? The apps are made by companies like Google, USA Today, and DreamWorks; and they are meant to help you print things like coupons, photos or Google maps and webpages much better. And if you get the Disney app from HP's app store, you can knock yourself out printing great coloring books for your children. Or, if you want to consider your next technology purchase with all the CNet reviews printed and laid out before you, you must consider the CNet app. The best part is, that these apps that go with web-compatible HP printers are totally free. If you have a great app idea in mind, HP even has a software developer kit in place that will help you program it too.

Everyone knows that the printer companies make a lot more money on ink sales, then they do selling you a $250 printer. When you have apps that make it much easier for you to print everything, there's sure to be a great deal for HP's bottom line. So what is it like using this innovative printer? To begin with, its wireless connection is rock solid. You just power it up, go through the motions on the built-in LCD screen to find an available WiFi network, he used the virtual keyboard on the touchscreen to type in your password, and you are good to go. The printer is quite intelligent; if you load in the paper the wrong way, for instance, or if you load the photo paper into the regular tray or the other way around, it will warn you.

You can get your pictures to the printer in a number of ways, and one of the best ones is using its card reader. The printer still takes about two minutes to print a full size photo that is 8" x 11", which while slow, is still okay, considering how great the picture quality is. If you have pictures stored on your iPhone, you're in luck there, because there is an iPhone app for this printer. And of course, all HP printers are great at document printing. It even automatically prints on both sides of every sheet. Maybe you think that at $250 it's a bit expensive, but for something as full-featured as this, with an app store to boot, surely you could stretch to that much?