Monday, October 6, 2014

Fully Accredited Online Education Degrees

I was recently downsized from my IT job as the company is fighting to stay afloat in these troubled economic times. I've been floating my resume out there for the past couple of weeks, but competition for jobs in this sector is fiercer than ever, and I haven't even gotten so much as a nibble from any employers thus far. I seriously think that a career change might be in order here, as I would prefer working in a field that is always in demand no matter what the economy is like. For instance, the public school system always needs teachers, so that's an option I'm currently checking out.

The biggest obstacle to landing a teaching position is obtaining the proper credentials. I'm not exactly looking forward to going back to school at my age, and can't really imagine sitting in a classroom with a bunch of 18-year-olds, so I would rather get an online education degree instead. I did a bit of research the other day and learned that there are a number of quality institutions that offer online education degrees these days, and that these programs are just as rigorous as those taught in regular classrooms. Most of the programs can be completed entirely on the Internet, meaning that I never even have to step foot on campus in order to fulfill the requirements.

Finding the right school for an online education degree depends on a lot of different variables. Cost was a big one for me. Since I'm out of a job now, I don't want to run through all of my savings too quickly. I need to take into account not only the basic tuition rate, but also any extra fees and textbook costs that I'm likely to incur as a student. These extras add up quickly, and greatly increase the total cost of online education degrees, so I've made examining the bottom line my top priority.

Another important consideration before enrolling in an online education degree program is the accreditation status of the college or university. Some "schools" are little more than diploma mills where you can essentially buy certification on the basis of life experience. Obviously, you're not going to get real, accredited online education degrees simply by paying for them, so don't waste your money. By attending an accredited institution, you ensure that future employers and graduate school admissions officers will take your credentials seriously and give you the same consideration as candidates who sat through traditional classes.

And finally, before applying to an online education degree program, I recommend checking out the courses required for graduation to see if they're actually relevant to what you want to teach in the future. You'd be surprised at how many programs out there force students to take an exorbitant number of classes outside the major field of study. If you think that's just wasting money, then keep looking until you find something more to your liking.

Accredited online education degrees have been opening career doors for new teachers all across the country. If becoming a teacher is something you've always dreamed of, then take the first step towards your certification today!

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