Sunday, October 12, 2014

Approaching your College Application Form When You are Homeschooled

Children who have had homeschooling their whole lives are often terribly anxious filling out a college application form;homeschooled children often don't have access to certain kinds of classes - AP, labs and so on, and their transcripts don't always have regular-looking courses on them either; there is a prevalent idea abroad that this makes homeschoolers look less qualified during the admissions process for this reason.

To begin with, homeschooling is not the curiosity that it once was. The millions of homeschooled children there are now, lend legitimacy to the enterprise. Colleges have no choice but to give homeschooled children a fair shake now. They do need to make sure that the applicant is mentally prepared for the challenges of college life, academic and social and basically, they are going to be doubtful the moment they receive a college application form from a homeschooled child. Since admissions departments at colleges are aware of how they can stand accused of giving homeschooled kids the short end of the stick, they take more trouble evaluating the college application form of homeschooled student than they do with a regular student usually. And the fact that parents involved in homeschooling their children get together with other parents to offer their children the best possible exposure to the sciences these days strengthens their case even further.

But there are certain areas where homeschooled applicants can put in a little extra effort to make their case. For instance, to make up for the fact that their transcripts and credentials aren't exactly totally regular, homeschooled applicants can demonstrate their ability in other ways. For instance, one can put a great deal of thought into one's admission essay. One can also show submit SAT results in a great number of subjects to prove that one is capable in those areas. Some might show their original writings in the subjects they are particularly good at.

It is inescapable - homeschooled children really are seen with a bit of skepticism. And they always need to go the extra mile to prove their worth in the admissions process. While the ideas above do often work for students, it might be a good idea to have other approaches in mind as well. Since homeschooling transcripts are prepared by the parents of the child, the aren't really going to carry that much weight. What they can do to make up for this is to do exceedingly well with articulating everything they have learned. If the college application form doesn't really ask for SAT subject tests, they can offer the test results anyway. If the college only expects, say, three SAT subjects, they could give them five. If they don't ask for an interview, they could ask for one themselves. They really look for third-party certification in the homeschooled child sometimes. A few college-level courses might be the thing to seal the deal.

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